Now if the above phone was really available I would definitely buy it unlike this blondie here. Too much of texting with Amy has totally screwed up my phone. It reboots on its own when it can't handle the load and the prints on the keypad has already got scrapped off. It's really difficult to type these days, but its something you will learn to manage when you wanna talk to your loved one.. lol
Lately as we have been very busy we take out about 2 hours of our time for each other. An hour in the morning before she heads off to work and an hour or so in the evening when she is back. And texting on the phone is really a pain. Some of our most common words so far have been - awwwww, xoxoxoxoxoxooxox, :*, i love u.
Yeah it does sound a lot cheesy, but I guess falling in love is cheesy itself, so can't blame it. I been wanting to get rid of this 3k (Indian Rs) phone and get a good one. Amy too has been asking me to get one in the likes of the HTC One X or the Samsung Galaxy S3. These are damn expensive phones and I ain't sure about it yet. There are a lot of other expenses that are on my priority list like the wedding expenses, house furnishing among the most important things to do. So not sure the phone is on my list right now. But if one of you awesome readers want to buy me, you are more than welcome to... hahaha.. ;)